St. Paul Lutheran Church Mission Endowment


Grant Guidelines:

  • Grant applications are due by noon on Saturday, February 15, 2021. Please return them to St. Paul Lutheran Church, P.O. Box 218, Lime Springs, Iowa 52155.
  • To ensure your project has the best chance of being approved, please support your request with documentation: bids, pictures, catalog entries, invoices, etc. Do your homework! Requests with proper (preferably two) quotes will be considered ahead of less well documented requests.
  • It may be that your request is to help pay for equipment or to complete a project that you have already started (e.g. the Lime Springs Fire Department's "new" fire truck). Please give us information regarding the current level of debt, monthly payments, and other supporting information.
  • Awarded requests will be announced. Grants will be awarded during a Sunday Service at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Lime Springs, Iowa. A member of your organization is expected to be there to accept your grant check. The date of that service will be given to you if your grant is chosen to be funded.
  • Grant follow-up reports are expected and are due by Monday, December 14, 2021. The completeness of the follow-up report will be a factor in condering future requests from your organization.

Scholarship information:

Geneva Prinz Endowment Scholarship is for an amount determined by the committee each year and is a one-time scholarship for high school seniors.

The scholarship award applies toward the first year of continued education following High School. The applicant will need to apply during their senior year in Hish School, and the award will be sent to the recipient when they complete the first semester with a G.P.A. of at least 2.5 and after the start of the second semester. Student will need to submit first semester transcript of post High School classes and proof of enrollment for second semester to the committee.

A notice will be posted on the church bulletin board, published in the church bulletin the first two Sundays of February and the congregration will be reminded of the scholarship at the annual meeting in January by a member of the Endowment Committee. Application forms will be on the church bulletin board or available from committee member.

Consideration for the Geneva Prinz Endowment Scholarship is based on the following, in order of importance:

  1. Membership at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Close Family Member of St. Paul Member, or a Student Sponsored by a Sister Congregration in the Unity Parish.
  2. Involvement in Church.
  3. Activities in School, Community Service, Employment, or Other
  4. The scholarship is available for students entering any field of study, but preference may be given to Medical and Education related fields due to Geneva Prinz's preferences.

Scholarship applications need to be turned into the committee secretary by March 1st of their senior year of High School. The Endowment committee will select the recipient of this award during their grant review meeting in March. The scholarship will be presented at the Endowment Award Service. The student is required to attend the Award Service to receive this scholarship unless otherwise pre-approved.

The Endowment committee has the option of deciding how many scholarships to award any given year based on the number of applicants.


Address and contact:

215 Miller St
PO Box 218
Lime Springs, IA 52155